Wednesday, December 10, 2014

One Month Away...

One month from today I will be running my first 50 miler the Cloudland Canyon 50 in Rising Fawn, GA.  I signed up for this event 5 months ago, and I have put in a lot of miles to get ready.

Here are just a couple things running through my mind with only 1 month to go:
  1. Have I put in enough training? 
  2. What is the weather going to be like on race day in January?
  3. Do I have my nutrition nailed down?
  4. The farthest I've run is 31.5 miles.  How am I going to make it another 18.5 miles?
  5. How long is this going to take me to run?
  6. What if I have to DNF or worse DNS because of injury?
  7. Am I mentally strong enough?
  8. Can I really do this?
I am sure that I am not the first person to wonder all these things as they approached a new race distance, and thankfully I have some places I can find strength as I attempt this new distance.  I find strength in my faith, family, and friends.  All of these I will have with me when I take on this race!

What questions have you had as you approached a new race distance?  Where did you find strength?

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